Pretty in pink

Our neighbour entrusted us (or rather George our sitting bantam) with another 8 precious eggs. We checked them on Monday and one was crushed which left 7. The other 2 bantams seem to have lost their broodiness and so we excluded them from the Eglu completely to avoid any more ‘accidents’ and ‘fowl deeds’. They were a bit miffed to say the least with the quality of the alternative accommodation on offer and Saturday evening I spent nearly half an hour chasing them round the little wooden run loaned by our neighbour, shepherding them in like a scene from ‘one man and his dog’ through a very small sliding door with wide arms and a garden cane. The same happened on Sunday but thankfully by Monday they’d got the message and put themselves to bed in the temporary run, tempted in by a trail of corn.

The trouble with the run is it’s quite low, so Katty Clean Doors the Silkie, being tall, has to crouch when she’s inside. It’s also not very waterproof and when it rains the food gets wet and so do the girls as they don’t seem to have the sense to go inside the ‘bedroom’ section to shelter. If we are successful with the eggs there is the potential for us to have growing chicks through into autumn and winter and life outside the Eglu would be very miserable for Georgette and Katty Clean Doors in the other run.

As luck would have it, a second hand but still boxed ‘as new’ Eglu with run became available and so we decided to treat the ladies to an upgrade. Very posh it is too. I hope the girls appreciate the lengths we have gone to as this has been couriered 439.4 miles from Cornwall. It arrived this Thursday afternoon…..


They seemed very interested initially.


George was having a break from sitting and was first to venture inside.


She approved but is now back in the purple Eglu on her eggs. The other two are now sleeping pretty in pink !




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